diag memory test说明

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本帖最后由 funcY 于 2024-12-27 13:46 编辑

Individual Test Descriptions


Test 0 [Address test, walking 1 bit]
This test changes one bit at a time inmemory to see if it goes to a different memory location.
相邻图形敏感故障(NeighborhoodPattern Sensitive Faults,简称NPSF),一个存储单元的内容或者改变这个单元内容的能力受另一个存储单元内容的影响。
耦合故障(Coupling Faults,简称CF),一个存储单元的值发生改变,导致另一个存储单元的值发生改变。

Test 1 [Address test, own address]
Each address is written with its ownaddress and then is checked for consistency.

Test 2 [Moving inversions,ones&zeros]
This test uses the moving inversionsalgorithm with patterns of all ones and zeros.
This test does not take long and shouldquickly find all "hard" errors and some more subtle errors.
inversions 的体现 :P1 = 全1; P2 = 全0;P2=~P1。(P=pattern)
固定型故障(Stuck-At Faults,简称SAF),存储单元中的值固定为0(简记为SA0,Stuck-At-0)或者1(简记为SA1,Stuck-At-1),无法发生改变。

Test 3 [Moving inversions, 8 bitpattern]
This is the same as test 0 but uses a 8bit wide pattern of "walking" ones and zeros.
This test will better detect subtleerrors in "wide" memory chips.
更细粒度的walking 1 bitbit为1的位置在8bit里移动得到一个子序列,四个子序列构成32bit的序列。

Test 4 [Moving inversions, randompattern]
This test uses the same algorithm astest 3 but the data pattern is a random number.
This test is particularly effective infinding difficult to detect data sensitive errors.

Test 5 [Block move, 64 moves]
This test moves blocks of memory. Memoryis initialized with shifting patterns that are inverted every 8 bytes.
Then these blocks of memory are movedaround. After the moves are completed the data patterns are checked.

Test 6 [Moving inversions, 32 bitpattern]
This is a variation of the movinginversions algorithm that shifts the data pattern left one bit for eachsuccessive address.
The starting bit position is shiftedleft for each pass. To use all possible data patterns 32 passes are required.
This test is quite effective atdetecting data sensitive errors but the execution time is long.

Test 7 [Random number sequence]
This test writes a series of randomnumbers into memory(1MB).
The initial pattern is checked and thencomplemented and checked again on the next pass.
However, unlike the moving inversionstest writing and checking can only be done in the forward direction.

Test 8 [Modulo 20, random pattern]
Using the Modulo-X algorithm shoulduncover errors that are not detected by moving inversions
due to cache and buffering interferencewith the algorithm.

Test 9 [Bit fade test, 2 patterns]
The bit fade test initializes all ofmemory with a pattern and then sleeps for 1 minute.
Then memory is examined to see if anymemory bits have changed.

Test10 [Memory stress]
A random pattern is generated and alarge kernel is launched to set all memory to the pattern.
A new read and write kernel is launchedimmediately after the previous write kernel to check
if there is any errors in memory and setthe memory to the compliment.
This process is repeated for 1000 timesfor one pattern.
The kernel is written as to achieve themaximum bandwidth between the global memory and GPU.
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